The Moms Precious Smart Pack is an ideal solution for the professional working and pumping mom! This set contains:
A professional and stylish back pack design (worth RM130.00)
Moms Precious Cooler bag set (A removable cooler bag set (which comes complete with 6 Moms Precious Storage Bottles, 2 Bottle caps, 3 reusable ice packs) – worth RM128.90
FREE rain cover cum heat reflector to ensure bag is protected against rain or shine!
Set is worth RM 259.00. SAVE more than 15% when you buy this set. Truly a value buy!!
As a value added feature, we have included a FREE rain cover cum heat reflector to ensure that your bag is protected from rain or shine. The silver coloured surface reflects heat normally absorbed by any black coloured surface. So be sure to use it when you're out in the sun to ensure maximum cold retention inside the bag!